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+ 1
We might live like never before

(do things together that are amazing: fantastic adventures or just being alone together making each moment count)

When there's nothing to give

(when we are together the rest of the world doesn't exist so they don't have to "give" to it - work, family, children, etc)

Well how can we ask for more

(due to life's circumstances, we separated and it's limited and we can't ask for more without making this fragile thing more complicated; it's a tragic love)

We might make love in some sacred place (making love in some secret place that is just our own and where no one can find us)

The look on your face is delicate

(again, the complication of seeing a great love in someone's eyes together with sadness that we both know is doomed because of circumstances and the sadness knowing we can ultimately never be together)
+ 1
We might kiss when we are alone
When nobody's watching
We might take it home
We might make out when nobody's there
It's not that we're scared
It's just that it's delicate
SUMMARY: This is a tragic story of a forbidden love between two people that cannot be together and that they know that must come to an end, but neither of them can let it go....

We might kiss when we are alone

When nobody's watching

We might take it home

We might make out when nobody's there

(These 4 lines are about being doing this in secret and alone and out of everyone's view).

It's not that we're scared

(meaning that we do both really want to be together)

It's just that it's delicate

(delicate as in a complicated secret love affair that is fragile and tragic)
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