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This song is Lil Wayne's only good song. But, you're right foreverashleigh. Well, at least some rappers rap about other stuff. Like Nelly for example. Have you heard Air Force Ones? That's about him gettin new shoes. Dilemma is about him meetin a new girl in town and they like each other but the girl has a boyfriend that doesn't want to break up with her. Lil Wayne's style of rap is known as "Dirty Rap". That's the gross and perverted rap style he does.
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J-roc you don't know what you're saying. If you were Lil Wayne and had tattoos all over the place (tattoos aren't bad, just it aint good to have them all over), you couldn't talk, and you ruined your life acting like a retard, you would probably want to change your life around. I like rap music. I like hip-hop. I love R&B. I just hate Lil Wayne (besides his song Lollipop). People have different opinions. Just some are racist and crude. I'm not being racist, just because Lil Wayne's black. I have respect for them. My favourite artist is Chris Brown. I also like Nelly's music. So, I hope I've proven my point that we technacly even have a right to say what we did.
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I'm not trying to be racist for all the people that might think that. I have alot of respect black people. I have a black friend. They are cool. They have great singing talents and they have tons of friends. Dude I would stick up for anyone who was being beat up or bullied. Doesn't matter what skin colour people have, we all bleed the same blood, we all have fellings. Our skin colour makes us unique, not weird.
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