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The only thing I see here is an attempt to mask and paint it as christian. Anyone can take covert language and interprit it to mean what they want it to mean. Whats the standard here? I can't find a quote from the scriptures? Nor can I find a bridge to them. If the meaning is not clear then it is left up to the amount of evidence presented. The evidence suggests that this group is no different than any other secular band.
+ 2
If the meaning is not clear then it is left up to the amount of evidence presented. The evidence suggests that this group is no different than any other secular band. The only thing I see here is an attempt to mask and paint it as christian. Anyone can take covert language and interprit it to mean what they want it to mean. Whats the standard here? I can't find a quote from the scriptures? Nor can I find a bridge to them.
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