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+ 3
Yo choppcity try taking a Grammer class or something and Meechi is just expressing his damn opinion. I have nothing against the artist I have never heard him but I do know that people have the right to say what they want. So what I am saying is leave them the hell alone okay its opinion and about the whole "I dont hear you making any songs" he is a regular person and most people don't release music to the masses.
+ 2
Hey yeah ummm how to say this. Oh yeah I hate britney spears and as a side note miley cyrus hate her too. There music sucks but at least britney became famous by herself unlike miley (wont go into that right now). Please listen to real music, like rock and no they are not rock they are pop, crappy pop. Well back to metallica. And for all those who vote people who express there opinion and say they hate people, just stop we have a right to our opinion just as much as you have a right to yours. I respect that and I would expect the same of you. Metallica forever. And Justice for All.
+ 3
Okay too al the people that say "Why do you look up the lyrics if you do not like the song" we don't look up the lyrics I personally look at the top 100 meanings and find ones that piss me off. Okay and listen to a real artist. Get into metallica. Wait scratch that if you did it would be the same fan type screaming idiots who freak out whenever the song is playing. I turn up the radio but I don't freak out. And metallica forever.
- -1
Okay here is a little lesson for all the people supporting Miley doing this song you can not make a song better than the original no matter what you do. You can not change it and you can not put a new beat in it. And just because (and this should be right) mtv puts the original artist next to her name does not mean she gave it credit they did. Miley can't sing, Miley can't rock, and Miley can't sing the 80's. Got that. And I know you are going to vote this down and I don't give a sh! T. Like I say the original is always better no matter what.
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