0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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This song means the world to me cause last year I dated this guy and it was awesome we spent everyday together and just had fun and I really did love him I had feelings for him that I dint have for any other boyfriend and he told me the exact same thing and he told me he loved me and said he has never told a girl that so it made me feel really special to him. But the day after he told me he loved me he cheated on me and made me feel like everything he said was a lie I felt like he only said it cause he knew I would believe him. And the line " While I stay at home still thinking we're together " that has alot of emotion to me cause while I thought we were still going out on facebook it said he was dating someone else and that's what hurt the most. I still talk to him and still have the same feelings for him as before and he still tells me he loves me and I still love him but I know that we could never be together again even though I still have feelings for him and him telling me that he always thinks about me and he loves me alot and he will always care about me makes it a whole lot worse cause I can never have him again.
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