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K I'm sorry but some of you people who say that Christians are being mean. That's being mean, too. Those Christians, they have a point, you know. And I don't believe in evolution theories. We are created in God's image and yes, maybe monkeys are like us but hey, maybe God wasnt feeling too original when he created monkeys. Or something. Idk why ask these questions? That's why its called faith becuz we don't know but we believe. I am a Catholic and I feel strongly about my faith. But I have to admit, I like the tune of this song. But I never reall thought bout the meaning til now. Which shows that most kids these days won't really stop and think about it, okay? I'm not saying this is a good song, I'm just saying that people have different opinions and we all need to be tolerant. Like, musicandyouaremylife, I understand your feelings, but you can be tolerant of others' religions too. You're telling us to be tolerant and you're not being quite that tolerant either. So just change your words a bit, k? Not trying to be offend anyone here!
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