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Well if anybody in their right mind knows anything about Science then there is no way you would believe in religion or esp the bible. The bible was written by men as a scare tactic to make others live under certain laws and it's a comfort zone for people who don't wanna live in reality. People wanna be good cause they say they will be rewarded when they die and go to heaven when people should just live their own lives and do good cause its the right thing to do. Nobody here should ever pass judgement and why woould you believe in a religion that downgrades people for who they are? If you honestly believe that a man once walked on water and turned water into wine, created the earth in 6 days then you are a complete fool who is living in denial. I choose to believe in evolution cause it's already been proven which is also why alot of churches can no longer deny it and also why believe in a religion that is responsible for soo much death and destruction and believe people who are homosexual are goin to hell and that its a disease people choose? I am 100% heterosexual cause that's what I like and how I was born and it's not a switch I can just turn off like religious rats believe g** people can do. Gaga is an amazing artist/person who gives back soo much to not only her fans but has given millions and millions to tons of charity groups and her music/art is just beautiful. Who gives a s*t what the song is about just listen and enjoy :)
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