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You and I
Bad try
The relationship was toxic and even though they tried to make it work out, it eventually ended badly no matter how they felt about each other.
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Have me be scattered as fragments
I see this line as expressing how broken his heart is and that he knows the relationship ending is inevitable, so he is asking the person involved to simply scatter him when they are gone. I see that as him saying he does not want to exist anymore after the person he loves leaves, and that he wont be able to enjoy his life without them.
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Kill me, kill me softly
In this line Namjoon is telling the person which things have ended badly with that he even if their relationship is toxic he wants to endure the pain sill because he loves them so much. He thinks the pain is worth it if it means that the relationship will still go on.
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Bad badbye, cuz it's a lie
Bad badbye kill
In these two lines eAeon expresses that he does not even truly believe that whoever has left him is actually gone. He feels like it's all a lie. Yet, he also feels like the relationship turned out to be a lie and that the person must have never truly loved him. In the second line he expresses how much the departure has hurt him.
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