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Taken from the musical Man of LLa mancha it is originally political commentqary couched in a fantastiiic story. The legend is an old man, Don Quiiote, sets ouit to conquer villains and win his sweetheart, dunlcinea. In reality, his teed is an old nag, hiis opponent is a windmill, his lance is a stick, and his sweetheart is a rough barmaid names algonza.But, it makes no difference, to him. the thoughto of chivalry is there, unrealistic romance, and idealism. In this nonsensical story, a play within a play, Cervantes is commenting on the myths delsuions, and miguided aspirations of his time, 1550 thru 1600 in spain. .The creulty of the inquisition; the cold efficiency of the conquistadores who buit empire but planted the seeds of destraction through excessive wealth thru conquest, while apathy reigned at hhome; excessive import of luxuries; driving of farmers off their land by excessive taxation, while investing nothing in irriiigatioon; and the delsuiuon of the boy king, that god was his confidant, and thru the the "Spanish Armada would make him ruler of all Europe. With their utter defeat phillip and the nation were disillusioned to no end. CERvantes sought to poke fun and give comment on these events, thru the safety of a fantasynovel. is said to be the beginning of t he modern novel, and to have inflenced the French Revolution as well as gerhaps speaking to crazy nonsensical events in politics and extremes in religious belief, today From it, we get, "Quixotic', "tilting at windmills",the suffering resulting from uninvited interference;heavy romantic exectations rejected by women who are there own selves; grand imperial delusions of rulers shot down in flames, and arrogant asum[tions that one alone knows the mind of God.Whew! I'll stop. it's 5 am.
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