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There is no god! If there were a god why is it that all these terrible things happen to good people? God is what moron look to because they can't put in an effort to either fix the wrongs themselves or because they are seaking a higher power to make them feel better about themselves! Please someone fill me in, how in this day and age can someone still belive in a mythalogical being that "created us all" and "gave his only son to repay for our sins"? Am I the only one that thinks this is all bullshit? There are millions of different religions praying to millions of different gods, what makes your god any different. God hasnt done f*k all for me or for anyone I know, and never will because he does not exsist! Anyone that thinks otherwize can go to hell! I'm sick of this s*t! Every god damn day I have to hear about it on the T. V or the radio and I'm sick and tired of it! Is there any proof that anything written in the bible has ever happened? Now don't start with the whole they found Jesus's dna. I know I went to the Lakehead University where all the studying happened. I won't say that Jesus didn't exsist, but because he was put on a cross does not make his speacial. That was the form of execution during that time and hundreds of others would crusified then too.
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