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+ 2
One and only! Said this day one! It is crazy baby! But a lot you have to be willing to explain or somehow convey the blessing then I say lets live tha dream, I don't need fancy either, good will on Saturday's, drop top, push button start maybe from time to time for special occasions! Everyday I special occasion now but is this wishful thinking and just words to a song - I don't think so, but if given the choice, I have to always be considerate of the "what if's" and the benefit of the doubt, always honored never assumed! Shoot me a text - the bs ends, its too good to be true, I'm going to go back and read lyrics to "enjoy this moment". If my gut is right - have everything I ever could care for or want right in my life, flip a few switches, hang like you hang, oh snap, lets just work hard and enjoy life! Shoot me the plan, I will never act on 24/7anything unless I spend time with you in person or you give me a jingle! I may have before all things considered but won't risk making a huge mistake if I were completely wishing for my thoughts to be confirmed, but that was only my wishful thinking, so you gotta give me one! And I smile 24/7/365 til we die!
+ 2
Yo! I know most all I've done and those with I've run since bn back here have just been because - cuz of bn alone - or right time - or mostly because of "when" I'm ----! Not tha life I want. Not using as an excuse. Not dodging ur love - you n I both know there is only one. But I've been tossed to side - reason why - I can't- was right at time - understand why - you know me by now - nothing to hide - just lookin for someone to complete me - can live this right - no questions why - but been turned loose - feeling so confused - the weight of the world on me - everybody makin talk about me - sayin s*t - shouldnt be privy to it - I'm just a normal guy - wanting to live right - real reason for youth to look up to me - not lookin to hook up with any o cc them in 2013 - none really - don't care to grow old lonely - know that I gotta be perfect to ever meet the - but send bon jovi to my phone - and we can figure out home - but for me to keep on livin as such - na - not good for me - don't know what to do - thank god I have you! Rascall Flatts? Wanna go to that? How we do - up to you!
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