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+ 2
Every second here without you, I pretend we're skin to skin
She thinks of all of the times they have been together and fantasises that he is still there with her.
+ 1
Better than he can
Better than he can
Disapproval of her current partner. Indirecting her partner. Challenges him. Shows a battle to be the most dominant and more desirable male.
+ 1
Promise I won't let you down
Just know that you don't
Have to do this alone
Promise I'll never let you down
This is almost a dig at the relationship she is currently in. He thinks that she is being let down by her current partner but doesn't believe he will do that too.
+ 3
Give me a sign
Shows respect. Will do things when she asks for them and when she wants them. Shows attempts to hold back.
- 0
I'll stop time for you
The second you say you'd like me too
This suggests a willingness to do anything for this girl. Shows strong love and devotion. But also a willingness to hold back until she says exactly want she wants. Therefore also showing respect.
+ 4
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all on your wasted crying
When you should be with me instead
This implies that Shawn is a gentleman and wants her to be treated the way he treats girls - he wants to be with her and treat her this way. He loves her but can't understand why she would want to stay in this blatantly miserable relationship. He boldly admits that he wants to be with her by stating that she 'should be with me instead'. This shows his desperation.
+ 3
And you can tell me if I'm off
But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want
It's obvious that she doesn't love/isn't happy with him and wants to get out of the situation. However, for some reason, she struggles to admit this and therefore the voice (Shawn) is trying to get her to admit it without being too forceful.
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