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Dhinchak Pooja is the Jackson Pollock of music. In all her singles, she challenges the conventions of subject. Meaning and rhythm, all of which are form the core of music. This particular masterpiece "selfie maine leli aaj", although on first glance seems like having a subject - rich Indian teen culture, reveals on a deeper look the real subject which is the lack of a subject itself, or at least having a rather boring one. It also questions the role of audience in meaning-making. Conventional wisdom says always connects art to symbolism and deeper meaning. However, the lyrics of this song have a particularly stubborn temper and refuse to yield any meaning beyond what they mean literally. (words do have a temper - refer to Alice in Wonderland.) On top of all this, you cannot fit this song into any sort of five-beat, seven-beat or whatever rhythms you can think of. Of course, it is extremely unpleasant to some part our mind, which just cannot digest the lack of rhythm, but that is the whole point - we have been trained all our lives for a specific sense of rhythm, and the only way to challenge it is by making us feel repelled. That's what Jackson Pollock did, didn't he? His paintings are the some of the most valuable today, but they were unconventional, lacking a subject and a meaning and lack aesthetic appeal on the outset. Also, note that both Jackson Pollock and Dhinchak Pooja chose the genres already known for being revolutionary of their times, abstract expressionism and hiphop respectively. Also, no matter how much you hate their artworks, you cannot help but watch them become famous. There will always be people who claim this is not a song at all - but there also were people who said Jackson's weren't paintings at all. P. S. I too, like everyone, initially hated the song for being too mundane and overtly flaunting wealth. I started off writing this as a joke - it felt funny given that the lyricsmode. Com website said "Write about your feelings and thoughts... Does it mean anything special hidden between the lines to you?" But then epiphany slowly dawned on to me as I was writing.
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