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I get so tired of working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive
Materialism is a trap.
There, I've said it.
It is, ultimately, meaningless.
Dust and ashes, circuits and bits.
The cycle of "working so hard for our survival" is a consequence of the mock salvation of the Industrial Age.
With 62 Billionaires currently owning as much as half of the World's population, surely you can see, hear, and feel the trap.
The only true wealth is the time I look to with you to keep me awake and alive.
Wake up.
And take back your life.
+ 2
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
In your eyes
The resolution of all the fruitless searches
The answer is not in organised religion.
The answer is not in any kind of search that takes us outside.
The answer has been there all the time - inside.
The "Kingdom", in the sense of liberation, is within us.
But the key is in someone else's eyes.
We need someone else's "Soul Mirror" to see the truth.
Without "you" - wherever you are, whoever you are, I will be forever trapped in this fruitless search.
So, I must necessarily look in more eyes.
Here's looking at you, kiddo.
+ 4
In your eyes
The light the heat
In your eyes
I am complete
In your eyes
The Truth is revealed in the eyes - the windows of the soul that are almost impossible to deceive with. It is only when we see our own beauty through the unconditional acceptance of another's eyes that we can fully accept that we are complete. No matter how independent and self-referenced we are, it seems we all need at least some level of validation from another. Yet, how often do we hold another's gaze and look until we feel the light and the heat?
- -2
And the grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside
This is the moment of liberation - where the defended self lets down the facade and reaches out from the inside - free of the shackles of the ego - the false security of pride - in the strength of silence that reveals, "This is Me. Take Me as I Am, or leave forever, never to return." Fashion can be fun but in the end it is part of the illusion. Naked we arrive and naked we leave, but the naked soul is the most attractive or repulsive of all - only you can decide whether I am beautiful in your eyes.
+ 1
But whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are
In line with some of the most well researched psychology I know, Peter concludes that it all comes back to connection - connection with those who are 'inside' our circle - within the boundaries and the barriers. Those few friends who see us as we are and say, "Hey, you're OK. You don't need to change - you are home, here, with me." For Peter - this is a place defined by being the place where YOU are. Thank you!
- 0
I drive off in my car
Movement is associate with not just escape but also "freedom" - for who does not feel free when they first learn to drive. From our first steps - which are hard to remember - to that first leap over a hurdle at school - movement with a purpose sets us free. Adding the car to this gives us a bigger personal "bubble" - expanding and protecting our persona. Gabriel is the master of articulating authentic personal expression. You'll see this again in "Digging In The Dirt" and other videos like "Growing Up".
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