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+ 1
let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings

If a kid grows up in a warm, loving environment it will develop "roots", a place where it happily returns and where it can truly be itself. That way, he or she will have the energy and drive to face the world and succeed (or that is what this father and many a parent with him wants).
- -4
But most of all I'll want to know
You're walking in the truth
He doesn't care what his kid will do later in life. As long as he or she is happy and leads a life far away from (legal) trouble it's okay. This, I think, is one of the most important qualities a parent should have. Don't project your own dreams on your offspring but let them become the individuals they are.
+ 2
The plans that heaven has for you
Will all too soon unfold
The artist believes that the life of his child is pre-destinated. Whether you agree or not, it is a fact that it is often clear from a young age if your child is more pensive, introvert or rather outgoing. Talent for sports, languages or maths are also usually there from the beginning which will of course determine largely how the future of the child will turn out.
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