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I wrote a paper about this song because I love it so much. The night represents your pupils when you stare in the mirror. It is a form of mirror gazing, a technique described by Osho. The savior is yourself, as you can see yourself in the reflection of your pupils. The song is soliloquy where the speaker (may or may not be David Draiman) is going through self reflection or a "dark night of the soul" and when he stares into the mirror, asking for a savior he sees himself and realizes he had the power in him all along. That's what I get from this song. My favorite line is "power beyond containing" and I'm thinking about getting that tattooed. We humans forget constantly that we truly have "power beyond containing", our limits are self-inflicted. "In a world beyond containing, are you going to deny the savior in front of your eyes?" Literally he is telling you how to take your power back! Mirror gaze! Scry for answers in a bowl full of water at night! "Give into the night!" Only when we are in complete darkness can we see just how bright we can shine.
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