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We are the jail, we are the key. Not a truer sentence. This song speaks about how we go from our innocent lives, when we longed for peace and love and acceptance, to what we face now. For many of us, we lost what innocence we had before we even got to high school. The world we live in feeds on fear, and hate, greed and lust, and power. Our own thoughts, actions, and desires can make us or break us. We can trap ourselves and become miserable for the love of power, but we can also escape that prison we built around ourselves. We have to learn that not everything we want is what we need. Look at the things drug addicts do- coming from a recovering alcoholic- steal, threaten, murder, and for what? A temporary escape. We do despicable things because we think we need to get to our goal, despite the cost. What happened to good will toward men and peace on Earth? Apparently killing each other under a "cause" is okay, so long as we win the war and gain that glory. We need to go back to when we wanted things to be simple and pure, and we need to learn to forgive- even forgiving ourselves.
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