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Whom shall I fear if I'm with God. Even though I'm voiceless, he listen to me, when I'm feared, he calm and protect me. Even if I felt that I'm nothing, he let me feel that I'm special, I'm his child. I'm like a piece of a sand out of the billions, but even if I'm like that, still he know me, he cares for me and Love me always. God is great in every ways.
+ 2
It is indeed a very great song. It's an invitation for us to move forward towards him, "Come Home Again". With his Wide open arm. Always there waiting for us to come back and be with Him. I really Love this song because I felt Our God's loves for us. His undying love yesterday, today and forever will ever be the same, come what may. Thank you Lord for reminding me that your always there for me.
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