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Well, I really cried when I first hear dzs song. It reminds me of my bestfriend, recently, we have a cold war,(till now), but I really2 miss him. And I don't know what to do. I feel very empty inside,. Maybe I shud say, I lost him. I always say sorry, but not personally. Thts y, I rily hate my self for being so numb. Its because of me, we fought. And its realy2 hard to make things back again. Wen I saw hi9m, he's with somebody or I shud say "new bestfriend". And I want to cry everytime I saw them together. I always pretends to be alright. But deep inside I always cry. I want him to be back. I want to bring bak our memories again. Whwnever you will read this my bestfriend. I hope you will realize how much you mean to me. I always think of you night and day. Please be back. I love you so much. I really miss yoou. Promise! Be back. Please. I miss you, dave polistico.
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