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Yes why does she always attack christain and then put jesus in there one time to please christian? Why not muslim budda? Lady Gaga I must ask you personal why don't you bring down other faith? Maybe you are afraid of the upriase of those people or is it just easier to bash the one person who can and have save the world from its self and by the way the bible never ever speaks of Mary Magdalene being a hooker she was full of demons and by the way Lady if you don't want demons then get saved. Also, Yes Jesus loves everyone, but living any kinda unholy way is not acceptable. If you can live unholy, then why do you have to repent and Judis was so ashamed that he ended his life because he set Jesus up? One more thing how can anyone even if they don't believe have so much distaste for a man who loves everyone even when their own family don't and Lady Gaga do you think that if you were to sing songs about being and living holy your fans and I dare not call a fellow human being monsters would they surport you? Start sing about Gods pure love for people and leave things unholy down you would not have those fans they would drop you fast. They would not be loyal to you that's the whole truth.
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