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Summer came by, all she wore was long sleeves
She cuts herself and she doesn't want people to notice her cuts so she wears long sleeves in the summer to hide them because shes afraid people will judge her, it gets harder to hide in the summer because it gets very hot outside and long sleeves don't exactly keep you cool when its so hot outside .
+ 2
But those cuts on her wrist, they were no mistake
But no one cared enough to save her from this self hate
She is cutting herself because she is being bullied by other kids in her school. She feels like nobody wants her in the world so she cuts to try to take away the emotional pain that the world has caused her. And no one is trying to help and/or prevent her from becoming depressed and cutting herself and crying herself to sleep.
+ 1
She told herself she was alright
But she was telling white lies
Can't you tell? Look at her dull eyes
She trying to convince herself that she is not depressed and that everything will be alright. Its one of the most common lies people tell themselves when they have depression. Sometimes other people will tell them that also because they don't know that person is depressed. They think that person is just sad over an event that happened like their grandma died.
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