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I'm sorry but I tend to disagree. Being g* or bi or lesibian is a choice. You choose who you are. You make who you are everyday. You are who you are and no one can change that. You're not born into anything, except sin. I know a lot of g* people and they have told me straight up it was their choice to like the same s*. And I can't change that. I love them for who they are and will never stop caring for them. I do not support g* rights because I am a Christian. God made man and woman with certain tasks to be done in this world with each other. Having one another creates a oneness that is descibed as a oneness and a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have heard this song manyyy times and sometimes I sing along. Who doesn't? Were human, it's catchy, it's satan, but we all fall short. I looked up the lyrics, bad choice, and now I'm voicing my opinion. We all have that right. Go for it.
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