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+ 5
if only you could make us understand
Mr Blobby, as can be seen in the video, has created a fanatical cult of personality, primarily consisting (conveniently) of a children's choir which sings to him to reassure him of his natural leadership skills. His many followers seek to understand the secret behind these seemingly unnatural skills, and even believe that he could be of importance to humanity as a whole. He is, you could say, a modern-day prophet, but unlike other well-known prophets such as Abraham, Moses, Yeshua of Nazareth, Muhammad, and (more controversially) Bahá'u'lláh, Mr Blobby appears to be a round pink creature with yellow spots.
+ 2
(Blobby, blobby, blobby)
At this moment in the accompanying music video, he accidentally destroys an electronic keyboard due to his clumsiness, but the numerous children of his cult assure him that this does not reflect on his other attributes.
+ 3
no thought too deep
Mr Blobby has the amazing ability to comprehend even the most complicated of philosophies. From this, we can conclude that he must have extremely high intelligence and cognitive abilites.
+ 4
when disaster strikes you never get depressed
Mr Blobby is calm and rational in situations that would leave a mere mortal aimless and confused, or even traumatised. For this he is valued highly by his comrades.
+ 2
your deeds are guaranteed to stupefy
Mr Blobby's faithful friends know that he is capable of incredible things, and they encourage him to have faith in his actions.
+ 1
you're the guy who puts the do in do or die
"Do or die" means that the person in question is good at making decisions and leading a group in situations where there is no other option. Perhaps Blobby's capability in these situations allows him to be of value to his society despite his other attributes.
+ 2
despite the limitation
Of his poor co-ordination
This is a reference to the lack of access to many societal rituals that he faces, due to his body having an odd structure which does not provide for easy locomotion.
+ 3
And as far as he can see
He's the same as you and me
Mr Blobby doesn't understand that his body shape and colour are considered abnormal; all he wants is to be accepted as an equal member of society with equal opportunities.
+ 3
Although he's unconventional in hue
He is pink with yellow spots, which is not a commonly seen color in people, but the "although" implies that he can overcome this social limitation.
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