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- -4
Okay when I first heard this song I was like #1 Hit Single! Then I heard about the video and was like awww it can't be that bad. I was dead wrong! Not that the video is horrible, its horrific! I saw like less than 1 second of the video on itunes and I was like aaahhh! Scary woman in cage with blue no pupil eyes staring at me! Aaahhh! Scary! I would never let my 7 year old brother watch it till he was 13. Put I like the rawness of it. Rihanna is my homegirl!
+ 2
I completely agree with carter. It talks about by the end of tonight you don't have to look up at the stars meaning that you don't have to search any longer for that perfect somebody, let me prove to you that it's me. And in the first verse it means is everything; let me show you that I'm the one. And in the second verse it talks about how it can be a you lead or I lead relationship and we'll soar above all others (we'll have the best relationship ever). In the third verse it means come with me and i'll show you the world. This song reminds me a little of the aladdin song.
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