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You know what that's it we need 2 spread God's word everywhere and this site definitely needs it and you know murdering someone and cussing the same kind of sin in God's eyes just remeber that oh and who ever said go too church and preach the word that's why they made " preachers" no offense and the "preachers" teach us and then so we will be ready and can spread God's word does that make since 2 you?
- 0
Um well I would just like to say I don't hate g* people but I hate the sin I believe God is alive and that there is a heaven and a hell and if gays don't change they're way then they will be going to hell If God wanted us to be g* then he would have made Adam and Steve Not Adam and Eve. All you have to do if you feel guilty of how you have been living your life and you know that Jesus died for us on the cross all you have to do is repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness and God will leave your mistakes in the past. God loves you.
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