0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 2
I do not love the groom
In my heart there is no room,
but I still want him to be all mine!

She doesn't love Shining, Cadence does. In here heart, theres no room because she has all of her millions of changelings in there. She wants him to be hers so she gan gain his love for cadence and cadence's love for shining armor so yea, I'm just trying to get the awesome factor for once so, how has life been? Has it been good? I hope so because my fingers and head hurt because I'm sick, and my mom Derpy has to take care of me >-<
- 0
well I'll be lying when I say
that through any kind of weather
I'll want us to be together
the truth is I don't care for him at all!

She doesn't care about him and will be lying, again, because she's impostering Cadence. She also just doesn't care because she just wanna feed her changelings.
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could care less about the dress,
She could care less because she just in it for the love to feed her changelings so they can take over equestria.
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wont partake in any cake!
She won't eat cake because before the cake is served she will have taken over equestria. So that's that. DEAL WIT IT.
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all my friends to celebrate
my wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all.

This is the same as the cake one. She's trapped down there with Twilight, so they can't get to the surface for the wedding.
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instead of having cake
She won't have cake because she's trapped down in the mine, and when your trapped in the mine you can't get out and get married and eat cake.
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day was going to be perfect,
the kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
The day was going to be perfect for the REAL cadence because she was going to get married to her true love XD

Every filly dreams of their marriage when their small, so thats the explanation!
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they don't know is that I have fooled them all!

Well, this is way too easy. She is a changing, and she changed into Cadence. Since everyone thinks she is cadence except Twilight, she has fooled them all!
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everypony will gather 'round
say I look lovely in my gown
Since they think she is cadence, they will be exited and happy for her because she is getting married. They say she looks lovely because that's just what people do at weddings.
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This day is going to be perfect,
the kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
The day is going to be perfect because she is going to get all the love from equestrian. She's been dreaming of this day so she could feed every single changing for her.
+ 2
have you any soul?
No sir, by the way, what the hell are mortals?
Jack be nimble, Jack
This is a play on a nursery rhyme.

It goes:
"Baa Baa black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir yes sir 3 bags full" and so on. Instead of wool, its soul
The Person who betrayed him is "saying" that she doesn't have any soul. And she is also saying that she doesn't know what morals are.
+ 2
a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning

Bye bye, black sheep
The Deceit is natural because they always do it to other people.

The wolf in sheep clothing is more than a warning because they could hurt or maybe even kill you (if you commit suicide).
+ 3
smiles of plated gold
Deceit so natural
Their smiles are Plated gold because their fake.
They fake their smiles so they can trick you into a false sense of security, then betray you.
+ 1
The smiles, the
This line is saying to Beware of the "Wolf in Sheep Clothing"

You have to be skeptical of everyone cause they might turn out to betray you, like a Wolf in Sheeps Clothing.
+ 1
this is about you

The whole song is about "you"

The you being the person who was a wolf in sheep clothing

He also mentions this person as "Jane"
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