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And I break my glasses as I fall in the street
If you were gonna
This is one of the most powerful lines I've ever heard, and something I've experienced.
This represents being in a relationship that is severely unhealthy maybe even abusive, and coming to the realization that it isn't okay to be there. Facing the fact that I never should have loved her, but I did because I needed somebody, and she loved me.
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I pretended everything was fine
A soul sacrifice, an American nightmare
I'd rather be dead

Don't rain on my parade
It's gonna glow in the dark
I like it
He tried to save things, he tried to help her, he pretended everything was fine for her to make her feel okay even though it was the worst thing he could have done for himself.
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in the dark
I like it better when you can't keep warm
Don't ruin a perfect thing
A perfect thing
The boy on the blue moon dreams of
He's build something beautiful, he is trying to find happiness, and she's getting in the way, He's begging her not to ruin things for him.
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"This song is basically a typical guys dream. It talks about girls, drinking and having the time of your life. It's very poetic and drifts around like a persons mind would inside of a dream. I purposely wrote the first things that popped into my head. The chorus talks about building something beautiful and destroying it. This is a very philosophical idea that i've played around with for a long time." - Vic Fuentes.
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