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+ 1
I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it some day for a crown
When you die with your belief in Jesus Christ our savior, which is symbolized as a cross in this song, you will go to heaven to be with God forever, which is symbolized by the crown.
+ 1
He will my shield and portion be[shield],
As long as life endures
Jesus loves you and wants you to love him back. He will always provide for you, and he will protest you from evil, my shield and portion.
+ 1
I'll wipe out the bliss of the new age
And welcome you precoius night
Raistlin eventually became a god in one timeline, and wiped out everything on the planet, plunging the world into eternal night, at least until his twin convinced him not to become a god.
+ 1
I will leave it all behind
Raistlin left behind all of his friends and companions to die in a sinking boat (or so he thought) in order to save himself and become more powerful, as these lyrics states.
+ 1
Cadaverous you all seem to me
Again, Raistlin's cursed eyes cause him to see everyone as they would look near their deaths, or cadaverous, which means corpselike.
+ 2
And from the flames
As chance would have it
The soulforged will come into light
And from the flames
As chance would have it
The soulforged, the stainless will rise
As mentioned before Raistlin had to take a test in order to become a wizard, described in a book called "The Soulforge". During this test, his soul was supposed to be "forged" in the flames of the magic to ensure his dedication.
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