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Sometimes in life things happen that make us feel we will never accomplish our dreams. The family will never get past things that they said to each other or did to each other. That promotion you've been waiting for will never take place. That marriage that seems to be on the break of divorce. Those children that you've been praying to be saved to come out of the streets. The diagnosis the Doctor gave you, You always angry, you have no peace, don't know how the bills are going to get paid. You're tired of people, tired of always messing up, seem like you are always on the back end of a blessing coming your way. Be encourage because this is not the end. It's not over. This is a time to believe that although you can't see it and you've cried many nights and no one knows the pain, the frustration know this too shall passed. God will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust Him to bring it to the past. If you can just praise your way though give God Thanks in the midst of the tears because It Ain't Over He Got You and what he is doing in your life right now that you can't see is marvelous. Be Encourage! It Ain't Over! Thank you, Jesus!
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