Friendly Dark lyrics by Ollie MN with meaning. Friendly Dark explained, official 2024 song lyrics |
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Ollie MN – Friendly Dark lyrics
There's an image in my mind
Might be memory or dream
We are bathed in golden light
We are lit like a movie scene

When I think of all our days
I wish that they would all come clear
If I could travel through the haze
If I could conjure you up right here

Can we ever get back
Will we ever get back
To then?

Tell me that we'll go back
You and I will go back
And do it all again

I go looking in the silence
Searching in the space between the trees
There are days when I find us
Lingering in the sunshine through the leaves

When the friendly dark
Opens up inside of me
I will not give in
I've got people to see

Can we ever get back
Will we ever get back
To then?

Tell me that we'll go back
You and I will go back
And do it all again


Lyrics taken from /ollie_mn-friendly_dark-1664589.html

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