Seed For Thought lyrics by Chuck Schwandt - original song full text. Official Seed For Thought lyrics, 2024 version |
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Chuck Schwandt – Seed For Thought lyrics
See the birds and the bees
See the flowers and trees
And see the way they grow
After their kind you know

I care not what evolution has shown
There is no hope in a graveyard bone
I turn my eyes to Jesus
My Creator upon His thrown

Some say we come from the ape
But science can't prove a trace
The fabrication of minds
But still they grow from their kind

Have you seen an artist that can paint
Like God's creative Son out here and upon
Three dimensional world spinning in space

That farmer plows and plows
Puts that seed in the ground
Then it rains it shines
Always grows from its kind

Lyrics taken from /chuck_schwandt-seed_for_thought-1728143.html

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