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And it seems to me you lived your life
Bernie Taupin was 12 years old when Marilyn died. He grew up listening to what other people thought, felt, knew and said about Marilyn. The media stories and rumors after her death may have made her appear larger than life to a young boy. Now imagine how different his opinion and view of her may have matured as an adult.
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Loneliness was tough
The toughest role you ever played
Hollywood created a superstar
And pain was the price you paid
Even when you died
Oh the press still hounded you
Marilyn experienced a difficult childhood riddled with foster homes, orphanages and sexual abuse. No amount of fame would mask the scars. She desperately needed to be loved and accepted, she wanted to feel cherished. The ones 'whispering into her brain' told her she needed to dye her hair and lose weight for Hollywood to accept her. Accept her they did. Turned her into the biggest sex symbol of our time, a legend. Her career choices, persona and highly publicized romantic life became symptoms of a disease no medication would cure. The media that exalted her into fame, exploited only one detail surrounding her death, that she was discovered naked.
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Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
They crawled out of the woodwork
Bernie Taupin wrote the lyrics to this song dedicated to and in honor of Marilyn Monroe, 11 years after her death. In 1997 it was rewritten and rerecorded as a tribute to Princess Diana.
Taupin heard the phrase "candle in the wind" used in reference to Janis Joplin and was inspired to write this song. He says the song is about the idea of fame, youth (someone) being cut short in the prime of their life and how we glamorize and immortalize people.

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Who sees you as something more than sexual
The young man in the 22 row who sees you as something more than sexual is, Joe DiMaggio, the baseball player was married to Marilyn briefly in 1954. He never stopped loving her.
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I turned around and she was
This is a first for me, but I will give try.
I see the correlation and reference to the poem, To Hope by John Keats (1815).
The first verse describes creation, the creative process, road to enlightenment, to some it can be seen as depression, lack of consciousness. In the beginning... both authors describe a form of 'Nothingness', void of form, no vision, no inspiration, no joy, nightmare/dream state or not 'awake'.
Then "something beautiful" happens. "IT", a spark, saved/the saving grace, healing, awakening, Imagination, illumination.
"IT" continues through the verses, however, I will stop there. Unless requested
I will use the link from the source that ~I stumbled into while seeking, to know the silver 

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