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+ 8
Being yourself and believing in yourself are 2 completely different things. You can go da to day, doing the stuff you love, being who you want to be, but after every step, you may look back and regret it. I know I do sometimes. This song made me think of that. You guys can think I'm crazy, ok. I know a lot of people do, but ot really mind. My friends, and some of my teachers see that I'm different- I see things differently. That's just my thing. Everyone has their own. They simply need to find it, and thier thirst for finding themselves will be quenched. This song states that loud and clear- some may not get that. You have to listen really hard. Go ahead, turn the volume up on full- youstill may not hear it. Most don't. Don't think about anything other that the words. Don't concentrate on trying to get them. Just listen.
+ 5
Believe in me is amazing! My whole life I have been having an internal war wih myself. I know I need to believe in myself, and to have faith in good things, but I have never been able to do that because I sometimes don't even know who I am, and I hate getting hurt because I have my hopes up too high. I have always felt all alone, even when surrounded by hundreds of people. When I listen to this song, (its on my ipod) I feel a little bit better each time, because it lets me know that other people, even demi, have problems with finding themselves, and staying there once you are finally happy. It is hard to be different, and I know that everyone is, but the real difference, when it comes down t it, is wether or not you are being yourself, and being happy doing it, or not. I listened to this the first time and cried. Music has always been my escape reality. I connect to it. This song is what I have been trying to tell people forever, but they don't listen- that's less painfull, they believe.
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