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+ 4
Your baby blues, so full of wonder
Your curly cues, your contagious smile
She is speaking of her son in this song and describes him in the moments as she sees him. She's in love with each feature, complimenting them with detail.
- 0
You're the light inside my eyes
Give me a reason to keep trying
No matter how hard it gets, she has a reason to keep going and to continue trying in life. God gives her a joy (light inside her eyes) and it passes all understanding.
+ 1
You're what I can't live without
You're what I can't live without
The writer is making it known that God is the sustainer of life and even if every single thing out there goes wrong for the rest of eternity, it will be okay because she has God and that is all she needs.
+ 1
You're the reason that I'm alive
God is the creator and sustainer and without Him, the singer is saying that she would not be alive for she never would have even existed if it were not for His works.
+ 1
And you're quick to forgive
When I make a mistake
Even when I've screwed up, God is still there ready to forgive whatever it is that I have done wrong.
- 0
And never give up
When I'm falling apart
Your arms are always open wide
Never failing to be there, even in the weakest, roughest points in life. God is still there and He doesn't give up.
- -3
You're the first face that I see
And the last thing I think about
God is always on your mind. From the beginning to the end of the day. It does not matter when, He is the thought on your mind consistently.
+ 6
I'm on your magical mystery ride
He is entranced by her. With her, everything is "magical".
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