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Okay, so racism is something one learns from the people around you. Look in a Sociology textbook people. Will you really call a 5yrold racist because he is mimicking what is around him? And, its not really like the white man dragged Africans out of Africa all the time. Africans sold other defeated Africans. Its both races fault in a way. The flag is just a flag. It only has meaning if you really assign it. I see the flag as like. A country folk thing. Both people need to learn to stop the prejudgement. The "oh they are thing XYZ"continues the tension. Also, if one doesn't conform to his own groups norm, then the group itself will sanction the individual. Example: a black and white person are really good friends in the "Deep South". When they are out in public people of both colors look at them funny, like its not right. Each race needs to stop the Pity Party. I'm white, never owned a slave, not racist. What do you want me to do? Pay my black friends for being black because there may be a possibility an ancestor was a slave? "a son should not be blamed for the sins of the father".
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