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Song's not about heartbreak - it's about self respect. It's for when the one who trampled on your heart years ago comes back as if you are waiting for them with open arms! It's for those treat their former lovers as a back-up plan - they assume you'll put your whole life on-hold for them while they fool around, and then welcome them right back as if nothing happened. Well, something happened while you were away - I moved on with my life! Just when you've risen from the depths and limped back to normalcy, a former lover returns to re-ignite the horrible confusion into your life. A part of you wants desperately to fall back into their arms, while all of reason says "you'd be a fool to forgive". For me, love was love, and for you, just an ego boost. So you got my heart in your jar of hearts. Take it and go away. No more.
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