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+ 3
There was a guy, an underwater guy who controlled the sea. He got killed by sludge from New York and New Jersey (I understand, I live at the shore in New Jersey). He was a sea monkey and he's gone to heaven. We've polluted the waters. Now there's someone in the sky. And there's an ozone hole. And our pollution in the troposphere is slowing down weather to cause scorching sunlight, like the 2010 northern hemisphere heat wave. And if the ground isn't cold it's going to burn like the Russia wildfires and the fires in the Amazon. We've trashed our atmosphere. But this sea monkey has gone to heaven. Rock me Joe Santiago, the lead guitar player. And he play's a sick, totally ethereal, 3 note guitar solo that takes the sea monkey to heaven. I've heard the author say he enjoyed the bridge lines. Man is 5, or is God-like but not quite, the devil is 6, like 666, and God is 7. God is 7, or the number 7 has numerous references to completeness in the Bible and elsewhere.
+ 2
This one is pretty much my theme song and thank you Frank Black for singing about the weather, aliens, geography, and Ray Bradbury which are strangely my favorite topics. I can relate to this one big time so I will write from first person. I don't watch television and I had a vision from spending a lot of time outside, under the sun. The sun is burning holes in the ozone layer over the south pole and exhaust is causing warm sunny weather at the north pole. Santa Claus is going blind from all the extra sunlight at the poles and we better think quick. Sometimes I like to get some beer and drink a couple extra because I'm so frustrated that the majority of people don't fully understand what we are doing to our atmosphere, an atmosphere that is eroding away, at least the ozone shield anyhow. There is just too much sunlight getting in. And the warming of the north and south poles slows the weather down in the middle to cause stagnant high pressures. That's even more sunlight. And I had this vision because I don't watch television. It's neat that at the end of the song he says "that's the way I learned". Me too.
+ 2
Get out from under the people who think you should be nothing more than a pacified consumer. To resist the people who attempt to put this cage around you is like pissing into the wind. You will encounter resistance because the people around you have no clue what is going on and will not understand you, people may think you are nuts or an outcast or a know it all. You will smell. But why defy the system? Because an inner voice knows there is a better way to conduct business. Of course, even with your knowledge, there is a fist pressing against any of your compelling thoughts. In this age we are taught to deny our intuition, we're not out hunting game anymore to survive, so we are taught to deny our intuition in our stationary sedentary society. And on top of it everything is for sale. No one gives a damn about your innocence or your autonomy or your soul if they can make money off of it. Get out from under them. Resist them and multiply, spread the word. Get out from the constant looming ledge they put you on and see the sky. Unlearn them, defy. Look to the sky it is yours, do not deny your intuition and hang tight to your soul.
+ 2
If you don't make yourself, if you are not your own individual you will be made somehow. If you submit to the conformity of others you'd be more inclined to bow and you will. In your group you may feel secure, but when something real comes you will find you are nothing more than brittle paper mache. If you go through the motions, people will take advantage of you and the more dishonest ones will not hesitate in screwing you over, be they the car salesman or big business. You should make amends with yourself and embrace what people may tease you about, if only for your health. But if you really want to live, you will shut up those bad voices and make yourself.
+ 3
Remove all the garbage you've been exposed to, unlearn yourself, ditch what you've read because the truth is behind what you've heard. In a spiritual sense look, find, and free. Once you realize your direction it's instinctual. Even though your path may take you in odd directions, it is in essence a road that is taking you where you need to go. Every part of your awareness contains a map for your journey. Once you are out of the line of people who aren't as aware you are indivisible. You are one who can use the pieces of the falling world, you are half in it and half out, a crow left of the murder. Everything you ever wanted to know or see is found here, unlearn yourself. Do you get it yet?
+ 2
A light in the sky refers to some sort of spiritual entity that is telling us to stop blowing each other up. Most of the junk we are exposed through by television is like an unclean voice in our ear. The flying machines (satellites) beam this unclean junk into our neighborhoods and it's really quite sad, seeing as how people are no longer the same once exposed to the programming. Most of the material is meant to unhinge our innocence and pit us against one another. If you focus, you can see it, and it's history repeating itself as this type of spiritual battle has been taking place for quite some time, it's just that television is its new medium. The ones who dictate the programming we receive think for us, they tell us the who, what, where, and why. They build our young (it sounds like heads) and they've built you too. One who is buried beneath the rubbish has a hard time seeing it, but focus and you'll see.
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