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G'day is short for Good Day and Aussies love to sport their own accent. Many people say we are an English speaking country and we can understand English orright but when we want to be flash we talk Australian. (orright is a word down under - it means all right, flash is an old Australian term for someone who is a bit of a lair. It was bestowed upon Ned Kelly because of his amazing horsemanship and ability to show it off. Police Supt. Nicholson gave orders to his men to have the Kellys "brought up on any charge at all no matter how paltry to take the flashness out of them". We would all be persecuted if the laws of that day applied to anyone who was a bit "flash" these days.
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I'm going back again to Yarrawonga
In Yarrawonga I'll linger longer
I'm goin' back again to Yarrawonga
Where the skies are always blue
And when I'm back again in Yarrawonga
I'll soon be stronger, then over hunger
You can have all your Tennessee and Caroline
I'm gonna get some lovin' from that mammy of mine
I'm goin' back again to Yarrawonga
To the land of the kangaroo
Someone has been away from his home so long that he wrote a song about his longing for a lovely little town in Victoria called Yarrawonga. He's been all around the world but the place he wants to linger longer in is Yarrawonga in Australia, the land of the Kangaroo.
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