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I'm broadly going with solo-mon here. There's an obvious contradiction that the other person is all he needs, at the same time as the speaker is 'an animal trapped in your hot car' This is a truly unsettling account of unrequited love. The great thing about Thom's lyrics is that he draws from a cohesive metaphorical universe so the songs can be referenced against each other to enhance meaning. The moth-to-a-flame image seems almost a cliche here, but when seen in context of the 'disappointed people' with their 'wings clipped in Let Down it gains emotive power. Thom has been plagued by low confidence and feelings of insignificance evident since Creep, but I'd say his lyrics and imagery have evolved to embrace not only rejection in human relationships but rejection by God. The idea of being a nothing lost in darkness and having a pane of glass between self and light can be seen as the painful realisation of separation from God. A heart-rending song, best listened to with a glass of red wine in the dark with streetlight leaking in the small hours.
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