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I knew Syvia when this song was rocking and she was a real slutbunny. I knew it, but loved her for her loving ways. Anyway, old bag mother was actually shipping Sylvia to a Dominican convent for retooling, if you get my meaning. Years later I found out Sylvia later went over the wall one night and swam the moat around the convent. While she was trying to dry off a platoon of Marines came by and she ran off with them. Thirteen months later she returned home to mom, bedragled, skinny as a rail, and with her 11-month old quintuplets of two-Mexicans, two-whites, and a cute black baby. They were all born on the 4th of July and knew how to count cadence before they could open those eyes. I read in the paper about Sylvia's mother going on trial when they found Sylvia hacked up and bagged in the freezer labled as trash fish.
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