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I believe the song Kaw-Liga was written about 2 wooden Indian statues, one male, one female. Both were depicted in cigar stores in past history. In the song, Kaw-liga was a wooden Indian made from knotted pine, and he was pining away for a kiss from a lovely Indian Maid over at the antique store. But he never got a kiss from his true love because she too was a wooden carving. The part about a wealthy customer buying the Indian Maiden indicates to me she was a piece of art, not a real person. At first I was insulted that a man could buy an Indian maid, but then realized that she had to be an antique carving, just like Kaw-Liga, in the store. It's Hank Williams creative imagination that brought these 2 characters to life, making us care about them in his song. I like the way he humanized the carvings, giving them recognizable feelings, something we can all relate to. Memorable 'love song', plain and simple. Thanks Charley Pride for singing it so well. See Indian Maiden carvings at this address: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1536&bih=781&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=-GbpW-bVB7LH_Qbn8Jtw&q=antique+wooden+indian+maiden+corn+statues&oq=antique+wooden+indian+maiden+corn+statues&gs_l=img.3...35588.36750..37963...0.0..0.167.798.0j5......1....1..gws-wiz-img.BJeQTm7lFxc#imgrc=IEfzs-yQiiq0TM:
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