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This song means alot to me, me and my boyfrend went through the same thing, and we talked and we thought who cares if our parents don't want us together? We love eachother and only we can see that, but now our parents don't care, and they have been nothing but amazing to uss. And even let us have sleepovers(:. But our love is so strong. And we have been together for 4 years now(I'm 14) and he still loves me. We have sereiously been throught everything together. And I love how when we kiss, it still feals like everything is gone, and its just me and him. And I love how nohting has changed. Hes the most amaizng thing that has ever happened to me, I also love how he didn't like one of my best friends when we started dating, but still hung around her because he knew that no matter what he was doing, when hes with me, hes just happy that I'm their. We tell eachother everything. And even in our school, we have been voted cutest cuple. And hes amazing. I love you spencer.
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