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And it was literally carnage at the back of Piccadilly
To see who could buy it first
And does the limited edition seven inch quench your thirst?
For an album that will probably let you down
But it doesn't even matter coz' you don't like that band anymore
Coz' they're not underground
This is Fray's interpretation of the music industry at the time in Manchester, about such enthusiasm for new bands that are overhyped and will disappoint once their album is out. There is to me, also a poke at a certain "indie" following behind certain bands, and how when they start to get too big their support by certain people for them dwindles - "you don't like that band anymore, they're not underground".
+ 3
Do you know who I am, I'm like a Morrissey with some
Liam Fray is talking up his own songwriting capabilities by referencing Morrissey, notable frontman of The Smiths. Morrissey's lyrical ability has always been very clear, and Fray puts himself in similar light but also says he plays guitar - "with some strings".
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