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+ 4
Ata tata tata zukkyun!
Wa tata tatata dokkyun!
Zukyun! Dokyun!
Zukyun! Dokyun!
Yada! Yada! Yada! Yada!
Never! Never! Never!
C! I! O! Chokorēto
Cho! Cho! Cho! Ii ka na?
Demo ne chotto Weight
Chotto saikin shinpai nandesu
Dakedo chokorēto chokorēto
Cho! Cho! Cho! Ii ka na?
Demo ne chotto Wait
Cho! Cho! Cho
Atatata taata taatatata zukkyun.
Watatata taata taatatata dokkyun.
Zukyun. Dokyun. Zukyun. Dokyun.
I won’t. Won’t. Won’t. Won’t. Never. Never. Never.

Check-it-out chocolate. Can I have a bit of chocolate?
But my weight worries me a bit these days.
However, chocolate. Can I have a bit of chocolate?
But wait a while! Wait a while! Wait! Wait! Wait!
- 0
Metaru ja naku ne! ? Sou death ne!

Meroikku ja nai kitsunesan
Meroikku ja nai kitsune da

Hitorikiri de yubikiri shita
Senchimetaru naito
Yukou zukkyuun to genjitsu touhikou
It's not metal!? So death you!

The Mellos haiku is not the fox's
It's the Mello haikum not for the fox

Pinky hides under the Hitorikiri
When centimeter no metal
Yukou Zutsu feeds me but in reality its Hegira
- 0
Ii ne! Ii ne!
Yozora de paari nai
Ii ne! Ii ne!
Kagayaite ikou
Torima mosshusshu
Sukoshizutsu nante muri
Yeah yeah
Chouzetsu sugiru yo kanpeki yo
Onnya no ko wa
Yume mo kitto
Chou kaosu dayo
So good. So good.
The party under the night sky.
So good. So good.
I’ll go brilliant.
That not for now, moshing up.
Taking little by little is impossible.

Yeah, yeah.
It’s too transcendental. It’s perfect.
A gal must have
a dream which is surely
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