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+ 9
I'd find myself smiling on that distant shore
Maybe I'm not alone
Lapis wants to go back to earth and smile with the others again. She doesn't want to be alone anymore, but fear is preventing her from going back.
- 0
I know that there's something residing
That terror deep inside me
I couldn't understand how you could be so bold

Lapis is scared and always has been deep down inside. She has always been one to run when in danger and can't understand how the gems, mainly Peridot and Steven, could be so bold as to stand strong and face danger with no hesitation.
+ 1
Have I seen this all before
She is remembering what happened to her before, being imprisoned over and over again. She has been left alone so many times and feels like it's happening again.
- -2
Lapis is afraid of being alone like she was before. She has always been alone and thought she was used to it, that's why she left. But after having such an amazing time with her new friends she didn't want to be alone again.
- -1
Then I see the colours fading
Gentleness of light escaping
Lapis sees the others having fun and wants to be a part of it but can't be. She's starting to feel alone again because she feels she can't go back to her friends after how she left them. She feels the 'darkness' is closing in on her like it did before
+ 2
Maybe I'd find myself sitting on that distant shore
Maybe I'm not alone
Lapis is watching the others sit on the beach, smiling and laughing together, and wants to join them. She's hoping she can, and that she truly isn't alone anymore, but is still unsure
+ 2
So many colours I had never even known
Many say that sadness dulls your perception of colors, making everything seem grey. Happiness, however, leads you to notice more colors and makes everything seem brighter and more vibrant. Lapis is saying that the happiness the others gave her helped things seem more colorful, basically saying how happy they made her before she left
- 0
I tried to learn to smile
Lapis was happy enough that she wanted to learn to smile like she had never been able to do before. Her fear of the diamonds' attack lead her to flee, stopping her from being able to smile with her friends
+ 2
I thought I'd stay a while
Lapis decided she wanted to stay longer on earth with her new friends but, out of fear, ended up leaving them
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