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Alan jackson is one of the all time greatest song writers I have heard. This song reminds me so much of my fiance who now has to under go brain surgery. Since they day we met we both have fallin in love with each other day after day. Ill give my last breath for her, I just caint imagine not having her at my side. She was diagnosed back in 2009 with Moyamoya (a rare genetic disease) that causes her to have tia's. She just recently has 2 tia's. They want to re route two of her main brain arteries to the top of her brain to help get oxygen to the brain. While I was in the hospital next to her bed for 120 hours (5 days) straight, never left her side. The song Livin on Love just popped into my head. I was scared I was gonna lose her there, now she is home with me and is gettin ready but is scared as well to have this operation done. Please pray for me and her and hope we both can make it thru this.
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