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Shackled in so many ways, engulfed in the storm, trapped in this haze
This compass leads me away
If you heard all the sounds, would you lift me off the ground?
Would you guide me through the rain
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Shackled in so many ways, engulfed in the storm, trapped in this haze
This compass leads me away
If you heard all the sounds, would you lift me off the ground?
Would you guide me through the rain
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So When did this road begin, things are getting worse it's almost to the point where I can not see
That there's more to life, so much is questioned in what's written, so it may seem
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So When did this road begin, things are getting worse it's almost to the point where I can not see
That there's more to life, so much is questioned in what's written, so it may seem
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So When did this road begin, things are getting worse it's almost to the point where I can not see
That there's more to life, so much is questioned in what's written, so it may seem
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so much is missing or mistaken, so much doesn't seem right
Please guide me through this maze, engulfed by the gutters, trapped in this haze
So sick of this mess I'm in
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As I try to find my way, this broken compass seems to lead so much further away
To live and breath another day, to see the things that I have seen
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As I try to find my way, this broken compass seems to lead so much further away
To live and breath another day, to see the things that I have seen
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As I try to find my way, this broken compass seems to lead so much further away
To live and breath another day, to see the things that I have seen
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As I try to find my way, this broken compass seems to lead so much further away
To live and breath another day, to see the things that I have seen
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