I think it's really funny that you guys are arguing about Religon and Sexuality, what next Politics? Don't you know that those are the top three topics that you're not supposed to talk about. This song has nothing to do with any of the above really. She got drunk and kissed a girl. Didn't the majority of us kiss a girl at least once back in high school? Maybe your best friend?(that question goes to people over the age of 16) I'm religious, but I'm not shoving my views down anyone's freakin throat.(and just b/c I said freakin doesn't mean I'm not religious, or that I'm a bad person) I think this song is really catchy and I like it. Plus she can sing about whatever she wants. It is a free country you know. If we tried to tell her she couldn't we'd be taking away her rights.(as a you. S. Citizen)anywho God does love everyone, and I have plenty of g* friends guys and girls. I don't agree with it, but it doesn't matter I or anyone else on here thinks anyway. So stop talking trash to each other. You're acting like a bunch of twelve year olds! That's my two cents about it. Peace.