0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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- -1
This was the song that was playing when I made out with Jay sean on the streets of new york city. I saw him and he saw me while I was just walkin one day and then he grabs me by the hips and starts french kissin me to death. It was nice though cuz we were sharin acids and all that s*** stuff. But than he started gettin out of control and lifted me up and took me into an apartment and started takin my clothes offf but I liked it. Hahahehe I'll never forget that day: ">
+ 2
This song reminds me of the time I had s** with Jason. Jason was my ex he was hot and then he had an affair with jessica jarrel. Jerk. But anywayz it was soo cute having s** with him. Have yall ever had sex/? Then you should it feels sooo s*** and good when you hump your boyfriend naked. You should've seen the look on jasons face when I did it to him!
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