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Killall873, are you an idiot? Look up satan look up what he does, how can you say that he's no more evilthan our closest friend or family, that's about as accurate as saying 2+2=1234. Satan has tempted people away from the path of holiness from the start. The times of the gentiles is near, the bible says Jerusalem will be trodden under foot until the times of the gentiles, the jews regained jerusalem for the first time in over 2000 years in 1948, it also says, the generation that starts to understand these things, will see christ's return. We have the technology to explain all of the things in the book of Revelation, the sea's turning "red like blood, and every living creature in the sea shall die" that can be explained by "the red tide" a microrganism that gives off an extremely toxic ppoison, and it turns the water red, all these things foretold thousands of years ago, being fulfilled. That was just one example since I'm too lazy to write for an hour about all the prophesies of Revelation. One last thing, the bible has over 2500 prophesies, so far 2000 and something have been fulfilled, in perfect order.
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